Using our in-depth, international tree management & landscape planning knowledge, we can deliver novel solutions to tree issues on candidate development sites. 

Our company's principal consultant, Scott Fairley, holds Master's degrees in both landscape architecture and environmental forestry and has practiced in both fields in five countries for a range of prestigious clients since 2001.  

We are able to transform trees on development sites from potential constraints into valuable assets.


We can deal with any tree and landscape management issue quickly, efficiently and on budget.


Below is a set of descriptions of just some of the arboricultural consultancy & landscape management services which are able to provide:



Trees & Development

tree assessments to bs 5837:2012

We have been providing arboricultural input on new planning applications in the UK, and latterly in Canada, since 2001.  As part of the planning process we are often able to propose novel approaches to overcome tree constraints, and then assist with the delivery of these techniques on site. If you are struggling to overcome a tree constraint on your development site, contact us and we will be able to assist.

Once development is underway, we offer contact administration for any enabling tree work, tree protection specifications and regular site inspections due ensure that retained trees do not suffer damage.


Landscape Management

landscape asset management advice

Millions of pounds are mis-spent each year on landscape management and maintenance by landowners of all scales.  This can be due to poor landscape design, poor contractor vetting and a lack of detailed and auditable maintenance plans.  

We can assist with all of these issues by providing design input (e.g. rationalising or removing small, inaccessible areas of mown grass), by assessing contractor competencies and producing clear and quantified landscape maintenance documents.


Tree safety

risk management for tree owners

Trees deliver a broad range of benefits to society; through enhanced wildlife interest, air quality enhancement, temperature attenuation and storm water absorption, to name a few.  However, tree owners have a duty of care to ensure that their trees do not represent a hazard to the public.  

We can provide a comprehensive tree monitoring package whereby all trees are assessed and mapped, and any tree work is broken up into annual phases for ease of budgeting.  We then contact you prior to the end of the 3-year liability period of the assessment to arrange a re-inspection.  We carry £2 million professional indemnity insurance.


Invasive Species

japanese knotweed monitoring & control

Japanese knotweed has become an increasing problem to landowners, and can represent a considerable liability in terms of remediation cost or legal action.  We provide invasive species management plans to deal with Japanese knotweed infestations in line with best practice guidance issued by RICS, the Property Care Association, the Environment Agency and other statutory agencies.  

In addition to our planning services, we can also manage and audit the control process, acting as managing landscape architects through the life of the project.


Contract Administration

managing tree & landscaping contracts

Having worked "on the tools" for many years, we have the in-house knowledge to prescribe tree work in detail, produce comprehensive and clearly illustrated tender documents, manage the procurement process and then inspect all works prior to issuing a certificate of completion for payment.  

We can also provide access to our approved contractors, who we have worked with for many years, and whose work and documentation we audit regularly.


Landscape Design

creative horticulture & large tree planting

Creative horticulture is one of our long-standing passions, and we have many years of experience in designing wildflower meadows, perennial gardens and other colourful and pollinator-friendly landscapes.

We also have specialist experience in specifying, sourcing and planting large (6 metres+) semi-mature trees for that instant impact.


News from West Coast Arboriculture & Land Planning Ltd



Tel: 01248 880091



Unit 5 Griffiths Crossing Industrial Estate


Gwynedd LL55 1TS

Monday – Friday: 9AM – 6PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

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